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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Project 365: Day 192 -- What's In My Bag?

A little play on the Capitol One commercials, What's in your wallet?

I don't wear make-up every day since I stopped working out in the corporate world. But I do wear it if I will be seeing anyone other than my dear husband. So what's in my cosmetic bag?

Lancome Teinte Idole in Ivoire 4
Lancome Dual Finish in Matte Claire II
Lancome Maquicomplet in Ivoire
Lancome Blush Subtil in Mauve Coquette
Lancome Virtuose Mascara in Black Carat
Lancome Color Fever Shine Lip Gloss in Old Flame
Clinque Blush in Breathless Berry
Clinique Blush in Hurry Honey
Clinique Intensive Lip Treatment
Clinique Lipsticks in Toasted Rose & Delovely & Black Honey
Mary Kay Chestnut Brow Liner
Mary Kay Deep Brown Eyeliner
Cover Girl Fruit Spritzer Lip Gloss in Watermelon

Friday, July 10, 2009

Project 365: Day 191 -- A Cold Summer Treat

I had to run a few errands in Kingston Springs today...the post office, the little market, the tanning bed...and since it was so blasted hot out, I stopped at Sonic for a cold treat--I chocolate milkshake! I haven't had one of these in over a year. Oh my gosh was it good!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Project 365: Day 190 -- My Guilty Pleasure

Romance novels. Guilty pleasure. Especially the ones with vampires, Celtic Gods, and other supernatural beings. My latest find? The Dark Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon. My good friend, neighbor, and colleague Sherri Reno actually photographed Sherrilyn for the book jackets. There are currently 13 books in the series, and I am finishing up #3. I've read all 3 in the past few days. Man, I could just sit and read all day long...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Project 365: Day 189 -- Cleaning

Who really likes cleaning their house? Who enjoys cleaning toilets? Mopping floors? Scrubbing soap scum? No one I know. I hate cleaning. But the cleaning faeries don't visit my house, so I have to do it myself. And I have a cleaning product for every blasted surface in my house. I really need to go more organic on the cleaning products, and as I use up and replace things, I will. I have a friend who cleans her whole house with vinegar and baking soda. I haven't gotten that hard-core yet. Maybe one day. But for now, I'll just grab my rubber gloves and get busy with this dreaded chore...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Project 365: Day 188 -- The Morning Commute

Well it took more than a week, but Kelly's car is finally finished being repaired. For those of you who drive diesels, whatever you do, don't ever let the timing belt break! It damages all the valves. So this morning, I had to take him to work so that he could drive his car home this evening. If you know me at all, you know I am so NOT a morning person. But I had to get up at 6:30 AM, and drive all the way across town. Here are some snapshots along the way...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Project 365: Day 187 -- The BFF Session

This morning, my best friend Rebekah and I took her daughter Aleah, and Aleah's best friend Molleigh, out for a photo shoot. We went to Edgehill Village early in the morning, when everything was still closed. We were disappointed that it was so overcast, because this area would get some really great light with a little sun. But the girls were great, and seemed to have a really good time. And I got to get some more practice in handholding that long lens--which I need!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Project 365: Day 186 -- Spicy Shrimp & Lobster Linguine

Kelly and I cooked dinner together tonight, and made Spicy Shrimp & Lobster Linguine. And we added some big Sea Scallops, too. So I guess it's Spicy Seafood Linguine, lol. It has a little more prep time than some of my other recipes, what with having to shell the shrimp and pull the lobster apart and all. But all in all it only took us about 45 minutes. We also used fresh basil out of our own garden. basil and tomatoes are one of the best combinations in nature, don't you think? And the best part was there was plenty left-over for another meal!

Project 365: Day 186 -- A Walk in the Garden

Kelly spent the day building a decorative concrete walkway to the garden. The rain held off until about 4 PM, at which time we had to cover everything with plastic tarps since the concrete wasn't completely dry.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Project 365: Day 185 -- Independence Day

Well, its a holiday, and everyone who knows us, knows that Kelly doesn't do holidays. While the intent of this holiday is to celebrate our country's beginning, our freedom from England, and the start of our Representative Republic, the reality is this has turned into a day of binge drinking and dumb-asses losing their fingers shooting off fireworks illegally in their back yard. The lake is one of the worst places to be on the Fourth of July weekend. So we tend to stay close to home, avoid the drunks and the crazies, and try to comfort our fur babies when the neighbors start shooting off fireworks until all hours of the night.

The holiday has so little meaning to most people anymore, that I find it appropriate to discuss during this time of great change in our nation. This wonderful country of ours has been on a path away from freedom and away from the Republic that was originally created, for quite sometime now. In recent years, the speed at which we travel that path has increased dramatically. Our government has been slowing taking away our freedoms and replacing them with government dependence. And we the people have allowed it, and even encouraged it. When our founding fathers formalized this nation, Benjamin Franklin was asked "What kind of government did you give us?" His response was "We have given you a Republic, if you can keep it." We haven't been working very hard to keep it, people. It's slipping away from us day by day.

So during this holiday that was designated to celebrate our freedom and independence, our sovereignty as a nation, don't forget the sacrifices made over two centuries ago that made it possible. Don't forget the sacrifices that were made during all the time since, and continue to be made today to maintain that freedom. Don't let those sacrifices be in vain. Thomas Jefferson said:

"... God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty.... And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."

Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334 (C.J. Boyd, Ed., 1950)

It's time to refresh that tree of liberty.

In other news, former Tennessee Titans quarterback and NFL co-MVP Steve McNair was found shot to death today. The police aren't saying much at this time, but there are indications that perhaps he was having an extra-marital affair, since there was 20 year old girl who wasn't his wife found dead with him, in a condo he rented just 20 minutes from the home he shared with his wife and kids. Steve was a skilled and respected athlete, and a fan favorite here in Nashville. Even after signing with the Ravens for his last two seasons, when he retired he settled back here in Nashville, and opened a restaurant.

It seems that lately, being a celebrity can be fatal.

Since we don't do holidays, I don't have any photos of fireworks, parades or picnics. We spent the day like we spend most Saturdays--doing chores around the house, working in the yard...we did grill some steaks last night and watch a really bad movie. In case you haven't seen it, Syriana sucks. It's a convoluted plot with too many characters whose connections to each other are difficult to decipher, and the story never really goes anywhere. That was 2 hours and 8 minutes of my life I will never get back.

But I do have a photo of my favorite lens these days:

Friday, July 3, 2009

Project 365: Day 184 -- A Lovely Day

Today was just beautiful for July here in the south. It was sunny, 85 degrees, and low humidity. It was so pleasant that when I met Pam and Rebekah for lunch, we decided to eat outside on the patio. Of course we met at City Limits, and all had that delicious Lobster Bisque they only serve on Fridays. Rebekah and I had not seen Pam in quite some time, and almost didn't recognize her. She looks fantastic! Great new hair cut, significant weight loss, nice tan, and very stylish. Way to go, Pam! You are amazing.

Pam brought a fun little toy for me to try out on my camera--which I brought with me of course. The Canon 500D Close-up Lens. Since I have been doing more close-up/macro-type work lately, she thought I might really like this little tool. She was right. Now I have yet another thing to add to my Wish List at B&H Photo. The list never ends...

On my way home from lunch, I stopped and photographed my neighbor's horses. I l0ve horses, and I always enjoy seeing his horses.

And when I got home, Woofey was just so cute, I had to grab a few shots of him, too.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Project 365: Day 183 -- What is it?

Fresh grated ginger. It was a uneventful day.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Project 365: Day 182 -- Market Day

Today was my day to plan the menus, make the lists, and do the shopping. So I pulled out all the cookbooks and planned the meals for the next week:

1) Spicy Shrimp & Lobster Linguini, Salad & Garlic Bread
2) Herbed Chicken in Pastry Puff, Mashed Potatoes & Garlic Pepper Asparagus
3) Blackened Tuna with Remoulade, Sticky Rice & Steamed Pea Pods
4) Rosemary Chicken & Wild Rice, Steamed Broccoli
5) Mahi Mahi w/ Crushed Pineapple & Toasted Coconut, Baked Potatoes & Salad
6) Chicken Parmesean over Linguini w/Burgundy Splashed Asparagus
7) Tacos

Before I could go shopping, I had to stop at Goodwill and drop off 6 huge bags of clothes. They completely filled the back of my SUV. And I expect to make at least 2 more trips with just as many clothes in the near future.

After shopping, I cleaned out the freezer. You know how some things just keep getting shoved to the back and you forget about them? I threw away quite a bit of food that was just too freezer-burned to eat. Then wiped down the whole inside of the freezer and re-organized it. Then did the same thing with the refrigerator.

Earlier in the morning, I photographed this HUGE beetle on the outside (thank God) of my kitchen window. It's at least 2 inches long. Anyone know what it is?